Friday, March 31, 2017

All About Holiday Party Networking

The holiday season is an excellent time to meet potential clients. Many organizations would like to put projects into motion early in the new year. More decision-makers than you may realize are on the lookout for the kind of focused expertise that Solopreneur consultants provide. Do what you can to attend gatherings that appear to have good networking potential.
You may receive an invitation to a party where you know only the host. Don't shy away. Accept and devise a winning game plan to see you successfully through what might otherwise be an awkward clunker of an evening.
Call the host (complete the Evite as well, if that was sent) to personally RSVP and express thanks for the invitation. Tell him/her that you look forward to meeting the party guests and tactfully inquire about who was invited, so that you can ask for introductions to those whom you'd like to meet. Right away, you'll make the host happy because you've identified yourself as a good guest.
Tip: Since meeting your next client will be an important reason for attending, go alone. The last thing you'll need is a friend who detracts from your agenda, or takes over a conversation that is going well for you.
While at the party, enable the networking process. Do your best to be (appropriately) friendly and authentic. Have the courage to extend yourself and greet people, especially others who are alone. They will be grateful that you've rescued them. When in conversation, allow the other person to talk about themselves. After introducing yourself and offering up some pleasantries about the nice party that you're both at, "How do you know (the host)?" is a great ice-breaker.
Practice the art of mingling. When conversation seems to hit a dead-end with someone, excuse yourself to refill your plate or drink (two drink limit, please!) and find someone else to talk to. Do not intrude on conversations that appear to be private. Remind the host to make your requested introductions.
When meeting your VIPs, resist the temptation of promoting yourself. If you know something of the guest list in advance, search LinkedIn or Twitter to get a career update, so that you can "serendipitously" ask questions that will allow your wish-list guest to talk about him/herself (and make yourself look good for asking).
Use the 80/20 Rule and cede 80% of the conversation to the other person and spend 20% talking about your own life and business (unless the VIP really wants to know more about you). If it seems appropriate, suggest post-party contact and do a card exchange. Ask for a good time to call/email---December or January?
Leave social media out of the party. Do not even think about posting a photo on Facebook or Instagram. Do not invite a VIP or anyone else you've just met to join your LinkedIn network.
Finally, knowing when to arrive and exit a party are important social skills. Especially when you do not know anyone on the guest list beyond the host, arrive at 6:30 PM for a 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM affair, so that you will have several people to talk to. Unless you are in a good conversation with follow-up potential, make your exit (thanking the host on the way out) when 25 % - 35% of the crowd has departed. You want to be present when the party is at its peak. Now go and check your email and look for invitations!
Thanks for reading

Networking For Success

I have realised that people generally "don't know, what they don't know". Have you found that in what you do? We all think that we know about a subject or industry until we actually take the time out to learn about the subject, and I know that it is never what I think it is!

I have found that this is very true when it comes to networking. People generally think that they know what they are doing and why they are at an event without really understanding what good networking practices are all about. So, consequently, they don't the results they were looking to gain.

I believe there is a formula that will support anyone wishing to network their business to success. One of the main reasons for most people networking is to gain 'referrals', but to do this, we need to develop good relationships. This doesn't happen without you taking some action.

What actions do you take in your networking? Do you know who you are looking to meet and who your prospects actually are? We need to know and understand our niche market to know where and when to networking.

Networking is not just about attending events and hoping that something magic will happen in your business because you gave people your business card. It is about creating relationships with the people you meet and liked and maybe whose businesses and yours have some synergy. You need to take the action to make the first move, because, if you wait for them, it won't happen!

I ask people to consider firstly WHY they are networking, as it is the 'why' that helps you understand what you need to do. Different 'whys' mean you will network differently. Once you have the 'why' you need to consider what and where your niche market is and then look for the type of events that will support you to meet the people you need to achieve your outcome.

Once you know 'why', 'where', 'what' and 'who', then you need to learn the 'HOW TO' skills to achieve the advocates you are looking to find. Your 'raving fans' are the people who will bring you in your business!

For me, my business and personal contacts are of utmost importance. I see them as one. I am happy to help and support anyone when people value what I have to give.

Looking forward to connect with you.

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What Is The Difference Between Networking And NetWeaving?

Networking is a word well recognised by us all in business now, but NetWeaving is a new concept in Australia. It is a step beyond the traditional business networking that people are doing now. The term was coined by Bob Littell, a consultant in the USA.
Networking, as we are all aware, is used traditionally to find new business and for creating or changing your career.
NetWeaving, in comparison, is a simple, more reciprocal approach that focuses on helping others meet the people they need to meet to solve their challenges, rather than their own.
The difference between the two is their 'mind set'. Instead of looking for someone to help you with what you want, it is about you helping others get what they want!
Even though networking is known as an effective way of making new contacts for your own self, NetWeaving expands this as a long term tool that focuses on developing a reciprocal business relationship that will continue on for a very long time.
How to improve your efficiency on the traditional approach.
In the traditional networking approach, you go to a meeting or function with the idea of trying to gain strategic alliances that will help boost your business.
In other words, the mind set is, "What's in it for me?" It's an effective means of making new contacts and developing business relations that can be very beneficial but there is a better, more lasting and trustworthy way.
NetWeaving differs slightly in its approach. To be a NetWeaver is to have the intent to learn all you can from as many people as possible about their businesses, their needs and challenges so that you can support them to find the contacts you have that can help them. The networker has the intent to learn that they can from someone to lead them to business for themselves, thus forgetting the other person!
he underlying theme of NetWeaving is the reciprocity. By supporting and doing good things for others, it can repay you many times over. I am sure that you will have noticed in your life that when you help others, good things seem to happen to you too.
How Can I help You?
By starting your conversations when you meet people with a 'how can I help you?' question that will change the energy. You will find that there may even be a silence at first... People are not used to being asked that question. Usually they are quick to tell you about themselves and usually don't stick around to hear about you.
How often does someone ask you that question? I have found it very rarely, and when I do, I know that I have found someone with a synergetic mindset!
A more relaxed approach.
Being a NetWeaver is much more relaxing and gives events or meetings a more human approach. There is nothing worse than watching people 'work the room' for opportunities to help themselves, knowing that they really aren't interested in what people are saying unless it helps them achieve their goal.
Showing your interest in people and genuinely wanting to learn about what they do and how you can help them, can change your experience around events. The person you are speaking with is looking for ways that your knowledge and experience can help them achieve what they want and need. Everyone is looking for the missing pieces of the puzzle with problems that need to be solved. We have the opportunity to support others with their ideas that without someone else's help and support may never be created.
This is NetWeaving!
None of us really is aware of how much we can help others until we start listening to what others need. With experience you will begin to learn to hear the words people say that 'ring a bell' for you so that you know how you can support them.
Everyone has a number of business contacts that they value, whom they know well enough to know their skills and strengths in different areas. By listening to what is being said in a conversation, you can ascertain very quickly who would be a good contact for the next step for that person. Ask yourself, 'could meeting or having contact with 'Bill' be beneficial?' Sometimes it might not be to get some work, but to help them achieve what they are needing to do for their next step.
You may ask yourself, 'has this person got the resources I could use for someone I know?' and/or 'would I consider adding them to my resource list'?
The two questions that always come to mind when I am referring someone is do I trust this person and have they the integrity that I desire in my network?
NetWeavers know the Golden Rule
NetWeavers understand the laws of giving, sometimes called 'Givers Gain'. If you can give without expectation your world of networking will become a world of NetWeaving.
NetWeaving is based on helping others to achieve, knowing that 'what goes around, comes around'. They trust and have confidence in who they are and what they are doing. If you learn how to position yourself strategically for others by 'strategically people matching' you will become a perfect 'NetWeaver'.
'Paying it Forward' is another new concept that is starting to make its mark... it is all about NetWeaving. Have you read the book called 'Pay It Forward' by Catherine Ryan Hyde? It is a book about a small boy who comes up with a simple idea which changes the world. The concept is, when someone does you a favour, rather than paying that person back, you 'pay it forward' and do a favour for someone else. A very simple concept and one that works.
Netweaving is about enjoying helping others to achieve what they want. Have you ever noticed that when you do something for someone, you usually learn something? Funny how that happens, isn't it?
As a Netweaver do you:
- connect people with someone you know that they would benefit from meeting or knowing
- provide information or resources to someone else that are your own or from someone in your network?
- build your own "Trusted Resource Network" of persons who are exceptional at what they do?
- If you do the above, you have a great set of skills that will support you as a NetWeaver to achieve what you want and need.
So, instead of looking to be 'paid back', ask each person you have helped to 'pay it forward' and help someone else - either by making an introduction or offering resources. And of course, if you believe in the law of reciprocity, then you know that, "what goes around, DOES come back around".
If this sounds like something you would like to:
- learn more about - NetWeaving - the skill sets as well as strategies for building more NetWeaving into your daily routine... and by so doing, become more 'referable' yourself;
- get to know other like-minded people who genuinely share the NetWeaving philosophy;
- earn how to become a NetWeaver and eventually teach and train others.
The LENGTH of a person's life is not what counts... it's QUALITY of the content with which they fill it.
- If you use this process above in developing your relationships you will find that NetWeaving will add quality to your con

Article Source:

Big Reasons To Hire Professional Entertainment For Corporate Events

Every corporate event offers an opportunity to network with your associates and grow relationships, but the best events offer ways to make that happen. A great band can be an ice breaker, great entertainment, and the crowning event at any corporate training event. Whether you're planning an annual weekend away with spouses or a big conference for the marketing team, you'll want to know your audience and offer reflective and memorable entertainment for the event.
But the event is so much more than just the entertainment...
How you set up your entertainment for the event matters. Socializing and strategizing with co-workers for making memories and helping everyone to make the most of your corporate training is a huge issue at any event.
They all cost a lot of money. So you'll need to make the most of every dollar. I have an answer for that.
Find the Top Entertainment Option with an Event Planning Agent
An event planning agent takes the 'stuffy business meeting' out of the ball room and inserts fun, festive, networking, and team building satisfaction with GREAT entertainment. Above all, you want your people to remember the training they receive at your event beyond all else. If your music selection keeps them talking about the event until daybreak, don't you think they're going to remember all the details?
1 - Hire a Professional and Don't Stress
When you hire someone who knows what they're doing, you don't have to. You can close the doors and relax, and enjoy the event with everyone else. If you don't... You're going to have to worry about all the details, fix the details, and be on super call while the rest of your team is trying to build a tribe.
Concentrate on YOUR message and let the professional entertainers provide the distractions.
2 - Hire Experience for Quality's Sake
Entertainment Agents who have more than 4 or 5 years of experience have to be either good, or really skinny. If you aren't any good, you'll starve to death in the planning industry. Quality is job one, and if you don't have quality, you won't be able to get value from the services performed. Experience allows you to know what will and what won't work. That's important when people are laying down the big bucks. You'd better know. Be sure to expect quality.
3 - Hire Adaptable Entertainment Options
It's really unlikely your whole audience will change from pop culture to big band era overnight, but you may need to adjust a few songs at the last minute. You don't want some mic-jockey chanting about a topic of great stress if your management team has faced that in the past week. Try some adaptable music options.
Flexibility to adapt, customize the experience and optimize the song topics is a great way to incorporate current events into your music selections.
Make your event successful from the team building aspect and the band won't matter so much, but if the band works, you don't have to be concerned about any other thing in the event.

Your wedding music selections are of the utmost importance, and we have the best event planner ready to help you make them. At our goal is to help you have the most memorable wedding event of your life. Our event planner understands wedding music and will help you find the right band or music selections to meet your expectations.
We do Anniversaries too. Check our website to request a quote or schedule a consultation for your event.

All About Holiday Party Networking

The holiday season is an excellent time to meet potential clients. Many organizations would like to put projects into motion early in the ...